Get to Know Doug
Doug was born in 1967 in Morrisonville, Illinois where he attended school graduating in 1986 from Morrisonville High School. Doug attended MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Illinois achieving his undergraduate degree in Business Administration with a minor in Economics. Doug is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Emergency Management from the Emergency Management Institute, Washington, DC.
In 1991 Doug moved to Carlinville to take a position as the manager of the Carlinville Area Hospital Ambulance Service. Doug joined the city of Carlinville as the appointed Planning Chairman in 2005 where he developed the planning and zoning code, and fairly administered and adjudicated Carlinville planning and zoning code in both the interest of the residents and city of Carlinville. Doug has always demonstrated a long-term commitment to community service from day one and because of that commitment, he chose to run for public office, successfully being elected City Alderman in 2013. Doug has faithfully served on every standing committee including, Public Safety, Public Works, Finance, Tourism, Lake and Recreation for the city of Carlinville and continues this day to serve as City Alderman of the third aldermanic ward for the City of Carlinville.
Doug has also served on many organizations here in Carlinville including the Carlinville Park Board, The Carlinville Chamber, The Carlinville Tourism Committee and The Carlinville Christmas Market, serving on the Board of Directors as well as the Chairman. Doug has invested many hours of his time to bring opportunities to Carlinville as well as improve the economy and tourism in our town.
In addition to his civic duties to Carlinville, Doug, since 2001, has worked for the State of Illinois and currently holds the position of Director, Region 8 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA). The position with IEMA gives Doug vast insight into many different state, county and municipal agencies, and organizations around the state, while providing him with deep insight into the committees he now serves. This insight affords Doug a first-hand awareness of new and existing issues, policies, and programs affecting communities like Carlinville statewide.
Doug is a strong advocate and champion for fiscal responsibility and public transparency within Carlinville Government, working tirelessly to set Carlinville on a path for success and future growth. This is why Doug has decided to take the next step and run for Mayor of Carlinville, so he can continue to use his professional experience, expert leadership skills, and administrative insights to implement his plan to take Carlinville forward to the next level and make it a better place to work, visit, live. Doug wants to continue to be a strong voice for the people of Carlinville.

First and Foremost,
· I am the only Mayoral candidate with proven leadership skills and extensive administrative experience in both state and municipal government.
· I am the only Mayoral candidate who can wield the experience necessary leading the city to improve the quality of life for all residents.
· I am the only Mayoral candidate who has been involved long term with many of the organizations and committees that are the heartbeat of this community.
· I am the only Mayoral candidate who has a logical and reasonable plan to address and fix the many issues that have plagued past administrations; like water, roads, public safety and commerce etc.
· Because I want to live out my golden years in this community, I have a vested interest in making sure Carlinville prospers and is a beacon of opportunities and hope for better things to come.
It’s this unyielding desire, this commitment, patience, and vision I bring to the race for Mayor of Carlinville. I have an unwavering commitment and am very passionate to restore Carlinville to one of the best small towns in Illinois to live, work and raise a family. I envision a future for Carlinville as a community where everyone who lives here is proud to live here and does not hesitate to tell everyone they meet.. A friendly well-kept town that is progressive and growing.
I am patient, steadfast, diligent and will work tirelessly to improve the value of our town, protecting the homeowner’s properties values, and grow our local business economy so that others outside our community want to visit and shop Carlinville. I want Carlinville to be a destination themed town that embodies what it’s like to live in small town America.
As your Mayor, you can expect complete transparency with all city business. I believe all residents should know what their Mayor and city council are doing to improve and make their city a better place to live, work, and raise their family. I already have a good working relationship with the council and will continue to work with future councils to make improvements outlined in my plan. You can also expect as Mayor, I will make myself available to meet with you anytime and anywhere to discuss your concerns while we work together to develop solutions that benefit our community.